Juan Antonio Hernández
Born in 1969 in La Laguna, where he lived for the first seven years of his life. Later he moved to Playa San Juan and there he carried out his first studies, which he continued in Guía de Isora. Since he was very little he has intensely enjoyed the sea, being a regular surfer. From a very young age, he decided to leave his studies and started working in the family locksmith business that his father ran. It is precisely here where he starts in the trade and leaves the office to enter the workshop.
From the hand of his father and great teacher, he learned everything he knew about iron. For twenty-one years he dedicated himself to industrial crafts, although what he liked was doing the most creative jobs. This is where his stage name comes from since the workers referred to his father as “El Patrón” and they called him “El Patrón Chico.”